Science Fiction & Spirituality Film Series - Jodorowsky’s Dune (2013)

Jodorowsky’s Dune (2013)

Jodorowsky’s Dune is the story of film director Alejandro Jodorowsky and his ambitious film, Dune, a project that never reached fruition. This fascinating documentary follows Jodorowsky and his cast of “spiritual warriors” as they reshape the Western canon of science fiction film engaging other major works like Contact (1997), Alien (1979), and Prometheus (2012).

Science Fiction & Spirituality Film Series

Sensational Religion: Sense and Contention in Material Practice

Sensational Religion: Sense and Contention in Material Practice focuses on sensory cultures of religions as well as the degree to which the senses and sensation lie at the heart of contention over religious objects and spaces. The conference is equally about controversy and about religion’s material engagements of the senses. In addition to these specific topics, this event also invites into public interaction people who might not ordinarily find space to converse with one another on such subjects.