Volume 3: Issue 1

Essays Audible Paintings: Religious Music and Devotion to the Infancy of Christ in the Art of the Viceroyalty of Peru Carolina Sacristán-Ramírez

Paintings are silent, but not to those who know how to listen. Some paintings appeal to the sense of hearing in order to stimulate the beholder’s emotional engagement. For eighteenth-century nuns living in the Viceroyalty of Peru, paintings could evoke Latin polyphony or villancicos, songs in the vernacular performed in sacred contexts.

Collections Modern Art in Egypt and Constellational Modernism: A New Approach to Global Modern Art Alex Dika Seggerman

To challenge the problematic narratives of modernity, perpetuated by both traditional and emergent approaches to modernism, Egyptian modern art should be analyzed through a new paradigm called, “constellational modernism.”

Mediations Trump’s Wall: A Monument of (Un)Civil Religion? Lloyd Barba

Trump has relentlessly pushed for a “monument” that cannot be torn down or simply relocated: the wall.

Constellations Adobe and Stone Churches of New Mexico: A Selection Frank Graziano

The architecture of New Mexican village churches is often described as vernacular, which is to say that the construction materials (adobe, stone, vigas, latillas) are local; the design reflects local taste, tradition, and resources; the construction standards are idiosyncratic, pursuant to the experience, inclinations, and skills of the builders; and the finished product represents the history and cultural identity of the community.