Birgit Meyer

Birgit Meyer (PhD, Cultural Anthropology) is Professor of Religious Studies in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the Universiteit Utrecht and is an editor for Material Religion. Her regional specialization is West Africa and her main areas of interest include the anthropology of religion, globalization, and religion and modern mass media. Her ethnographic study Translating the Devil: Religion and Modernity among the Ewe in Ghana (1999) is an important contribution to the understanding of how Christianity has been appropriated into an indigenous African religion and culture. Her recent research focuses on religion and media as well as Pentecostalism in West Africa, and she has published several articles on these topics in journals and edited volumes. Her latest books include three edited volumes, Things. Religion and the Question of Materiality (2012, with Dick Houtman), Aesthetic Formations. Media, Religion, and the Senses (2009) and Readings in Modernity in Africa (2008, with Peter Geschiere and Peter Pels).

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