Kingdom of Njinga

Regno della Jinga. Si mãgia ivi carne humana,1  serpēti cocodrilli. La Regina è una gran guerriera, l’essercito nõ si paga perché ammazzanno mangia et. è in bona quantitá di donne. per viaggio si portano carni assechite, ó affumate. 

Kingdom of Njinga. There they eat human flesh, snakes, and crocodiles. The Queen is a great warrior, the army is not paid because they kill eat etc. And it is in large part made of women. While travelling, they carry dried or smoked meat. 



  • 1
    About Njinga’s cannibalism see Cathy Skidmore-Hess, “Njinga of Matamba and the Politics of Catholicism,” in Women and Religion in the Atlantic Age, 1550-1900 (London: Routledge, 2016); Linda M. Heywood, Njinga of Angola: Africa’s warrior queen (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2017).

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