Arma del Congo

Arma del Congo  
Coat of Arms of the Congo

"misit de summo et liberavit me"
He sent from on high, and delivered me

De Genti, Viveri, Costumi, Animali, e Frutti de Regni dell’Affrica penetrati a predicar l’Evango per orde della Sac[ra] Congreg[azione] de Prodaganda da Cappuccini dall’Anno 1644. Congo, Angolla, Dongo ò Singa, & Enbâca. 

Of the People, Victuals, Customs, Animals, and Fruits of the Kingdoms of Africa penetrated to preach the Gospel by order of the Sacred Congregation for Propaganda Fide by Capuchins in the year of 1644. Congo, Angola, Ndongo or Njinga, and Ambaca.

Arma d’Angolla
Coat of Arms of Angola


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