Molly Channon is a curator at the Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery at Skidmore College. She earned a BA in Art History and Philosophy from Brandeis University and her MAR in Religion, Visual Art, and Material Culture from the Institute of Sacred Music and Yale Divinity School. Her scholarship centers on visual art and material culture in America from the nineteenth century through the present; in particular the intersections of artistic practice, institutional formations, systems of belief, and vernacular religion. Her master’s thesis, entitled “Sing, March, Feast, Flower: Activism, Performance, and Ritual in the Art of Corita Kent, 1961-68” examined Kent’s work through the lens of mid-twentieth-century performance art. Channon’s current research, in conjunction with the Tang Teaching Museum’s forthcoming exhibition, 3-D Doings: The Imagist Object in Chicago Art, 1964-1980, is on a key group of Chicago-based artists, known as the Chicago Imagists, and their playful yet critical engagement with vernacular Catholicism in both their artistic and collecting practices.