Horace Ballard

Horace D. Ballard, Jr. is a second-year doctoral student at Brown University in the programs of Public Humanities, History of Art, and American Studies. He is editor of the Artemis Review, a magazine and blog dedicated to the history of creativity in America. He received bachelor degrees in Literature and American Studies from the University of Virginia and his M.A. in Religion and Visual Culture from the Institute of Sacred Music [ISM] and Yale Divinity School. His academic interests include: the visual cultures of religion, the history of romanticism, the influence of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century European aesthetics on American art, and the Beat Generation. In 2010, Horace was one of the student curators of Embodied: Black Identities in American Art from the Yale University Art Gallery. He also served as associate guest curator for Incarnations: Black Spiritualities in American Art from the Steele Collection at the ISM. Horace presently serves on the curatorial team for the 2013 exhibition, W.E.B. Du Bois in Our Time, at the Museum of Contemporary Art at UMass Amherst. He currently works as the Museum Educator for School Programs at the RISD Museum of Art.

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