PW013: Strange case that occurs in these rivers

Caso strano successo in questi fiumi, veniva un mercanti di schiavi e levava quindici o sedici schiavi incatenati uno con li altri come costumano e come si vede nella qui figura; havendo questi sete et acostandosi al fiume p[er] pigliare aqua con una zucca, sorse un cocodrillo e afferandosi uno p[er] la mano sanza poterli aiutare li tirĂ² t[u]tti nel aqua e tutti li devoro

Strange case that happens in these rivers, a slave merchant was coming and taking away fifteen or sixteen slaves, chained to one another as they usually are and as can be seen in the image; as they were thirsty and approached the river to draw water with a gourd, a crocodile appeared and having grabbed one [of the men] by the hand without anything to be done to help them, drew them all into the water and devoured them all.1

  • 1
    A similar event happening in Massangano in 1654 on the shore of the Coanza appears in Giovanni Antonio Cavazzi, Missione Evangelica al Regno del Congo: Araldi Manuscript, 1665-1668, Biblioteca Estense, vol. B, 584, Modena.


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