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Encubas.1 sono fave che in teghettí attaccatí alle radiche nascono di una certa herbetta che fa cespo. comé la trifoglia. si arrostisco-no comí le castagní. Sono [. . .] sono come le Baule d’albero proprio

Peanuts. They are beans grow from a little plant that makes tufts in little caldrons attached to the roots. Like the clover. They are roasted like chestnuts. They are [. . .] They are like trees’ own [travel] chests

  • 1. In Kikongo and Kimbundu, nguba. About peanuts in central Africa see Birgit Ricquier, "Kongo Cuisine and the Middle Passage in terms of Peanuts," in Kongo across the Waters, eds. Susan Cooksey, Robin Poynor, and Hein Vanhee (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2013). Carlo Toso and Marcellino d’Atri, L’Anarchia congolese nel sec. XVII: la relazione inedita di Marcellino d’Atri, Studi di storia delle esplorazioni 15 (Genoa: Bozzi, 1984), 339; Cadornega and Delgado, História geral das guerras angolanas, 1680[-1681], 3:202.
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