1: Forma delle case de Popoli d’Ilamba.1 Sono t[u]tte fatte di Paglia; grosse e grandi come le nostre diacciere2 e sono assai f[atte] perche non s’infiamano al Sole come le altre fatte di creta; 2: caricatore con motet3 3: Arbore d: Mafuma4 quesi sono molto alti e dritti; e legieri; del Tronco ne fan[n]o le Barche dette Canove5 votandole a modo di un Trogolo
1: Shape of the houses of the peoples of Ilamba. They are all made of Straw, as wide and tall as our icehouses and are made this way because they do not to catch fire in the sun as the others made of clay; 2: carrier with a motet 3: tree called mafuma, these are very tall and straight, as well as light; they make boats called canova from their trunks by emptying them as a trough
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