PW027: Black lord or prince in the countryside

1: Signore o prencipe negro in campagna; 2: Mestre1  o Interprete 2: Servi chiamati Criati2  3: suddito che parla con il suo Sige3

1: Black Lord or prince in the countryside; 2: Mestre or interpreter 2: servants called criati 3: vassal who talks with his Lord

  • 1
    From the Portuguese mestre: master.
  • 2
    From the Portuguese criado: servant.
  • 3
    The gesture of the vassal, arms crossed over the chest, has broad Afro-Atlantic echoes. Robert Farris Thompson and Joseph Cornet, The four moments of the sun: Kongo art in two worlds (Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 1981), 168.


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