Facial reconstruction of Saint Rose of Lima

Place of Origin:
2015 CE
Saint Rose of Lima

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic

Wikimedia Commons description reads (translated here from the Portuguese): This is the face of Saint Rose of Lima, reconstructed by the 3D designer Cícero Moraes based on the study of her cranium, which is found in the Convento de Santo Domingo (Monastery of Saint Dominic) in the city of Lima, Peru. This project was realized thanks to the work of Equipe Brasileira de Antropologia Forense e Odontologia Legal (Ebrafol) under the technical and scientific direction of Prof. Dr. Paulo Eduardo Miamoto Dias, specialist in Legal Odontology, with the support of the Faculdade FASIPE de Sinop-MT and of the Parish of Santa Rosa de Lima in Guarujá-SP, with logisitic report from the Sociedad Peruana de Odontología Legal Forense y Criminalística (Spolfoc), the Universidad Inca Garsilaso de la Vega and the Universidad San Martín de Porres, all located in Lima, Peru. The entire process of anthropological analysis was documented by L8 Filmes of Sinop-MT.