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MAVCOR announces the launch of Galleries, a new way for visitors to interact with the MAVCOR site. Designed in response to feedback from instructors, Galleries allows visitors a customized way of engaging with the site. After creating a user account, individuals and groups can compile assemblies of articles, material objects, and MAVCOR Digital Spaces Project 360s and Zooms. Users may designate their Galleries public or private and can include notes and commentary both on the Gallery as a whole and on the items included within the Gallery. We envision Galleries as a tool for teachers in the academy, in religious communities, and in civic organizations—perhaps assigning students to create Galleries for class, perhaps creating Galleries for students to read and view—as well as for researchers and the general public.

View a grouping of sample Galleries here. To start creating your own Galleries, simply click on "Create Account" at the top righthand corner of the MAVCOR page.